Monday, May 16, 2011

Graduation 2011!

Graduation 2011, can you believe I actually graduated!

The graduation was quite lovely I have to say.  Everyone was excited slash nervous, it only lasted two hours, only ONE person tripped up the stairs, and we all received our lovely fake diplomas.  It was a way different thing from High School, especially since we were graduating with 580 other people, bigger than Rhinebeck's entire High School combined.  

Aileen and I

Me, Jeanne, and Ally, all Rhinebeck Grads

Erica and I, freshman orientation roommates!

Bridget and I, also rbk grads

Me, Gina, and Hannah! 

Gina and I in front of the Seuss tree on campus

Me and Ally

Hannah, me, Gina, Jessi on our porch, we graduated!!

Doing Abbey Road

In front of our favorite bar!


In front of the Geneseo town landmark, the bear fountain

Gina and I, friends since the beginning!

Senior shenanigans

For Senior week activities this year, we signed up and were able to participate in them all! First was the senior formal, where we all got dressed up and fancy.  Then there was a picnic, a bar crawl, and a senior breakfast.  It was so much fun to see everyone out and about! We also did our own senior week fun with our specific groups of friends, which is what most of these photos are of! 

Gina, me, and Sam at the formal

Me, sam, and gina at the senior bar crawl! Every senior had a yellow shirt and a cup.  Imagine all of Geneseo swarming with yellow shirts!

me, sam, amy, gina, and amy at the formal!

Our last night, sitting on the front porch. (Hannah, me, Gina)

Ally and Vinny imitating Titanic, naturally

Vinny toasting our graduating success

Ally and Hannah didn't want to leave!

Gina, me, Ally

Jessi gave me a piggy back ride when I got tired!

Jessi, me, Vinny, Hannah, Doug

Posing under this lovely bridge!

Senior bar crawl (Aileen, Hannah, me)

Hannah and Ally

Hannah and Aileen show some love haha

Hannah, me, Vinny, Aileen

On our walk back we found all this discarded furniture! I got a table, but Vinny carried it back haha

Hannah, Ally, and Aileen found a backhoe! We did NOT carry that back.

Birthday week!

I had one of the best birthdays, everyone celebrated even though it was finals week! I can't believe I'm 22...

Roommate pic (Amy, me, Gina)

Vinny with my asian themed cake!

And I got another cake too! (held by Aileen)

Amy, Jessi, me, Gina, Kimi, Aileen, Vinny, Amy

Rocking out to Journey (Jessi, Aileen, Kimi)

Me, Vinny, and Steve cutting the cake!

Eating it with chopsticks, naturally

Sruthi and Sam

We went out to the bar, but Vinny had to stay home and read since he's underage haha

Out getting my free birthday mug!